Our Team

Meet the Pop Journal Team!

Managing Editor

Bea is a journalism graduate who has used her burning love for Hallyu to write for several international sites. When not tapping on her keyboard, she enjoys alone time watching sitcoms, K-dramas, DC movies and series, whales, and the Moon. You can reach her through email at bea.popjournal@gmail.com.

Ara Santos

BL Drama Writer and Website Support

Charie Navarro

This is Charie, the introvert fangirl who enjoys capturing moments by taking photos, videos, graphics, and anything for the arts! You can reach her through email at cha.popjournal@gmail.com.

Paula Dela Cruz

Aside from being a student, Paula enjoys many things: boys’ love series, k-dramas, k-pop, manhwas, anime, and anything related to music. When she’s not occupied with schoolwork, she’s definitely doing fangirling stuff. Discover more about her through the interesting narratives she writes.

Bea Rollo

News and Listicles Writer

It’s your girl, Bea; some may call her “Bae.” She loves being in the know about anything pop! If you know her off-screen, she is a social butterfly, always down for chit-chat. Bea has a passion for K-pop and everything purple. Learn more about her from the stories she writes to tell the world.